
Friday, July 20, 2012

Steal Her Outfit!

Omotesando-dori is one of my favorite streets in Japan.  In addition to trendy malls and funky little shops, the great fashion houses of Gucci, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton all have storefronts here.  It's the location of Vogue Japan's annual Fashion's Night Out and Gwen Stefani's "Harajuku Girls" hit.  All this fashion means that Omotesando-dori is one of the best places to spot the latest trends and micro-trends, whether for women, men, or both!  Walking down the street this past Monday, this mysterious woman and her fantastic outfit caught my eye.

She was very careful to keep her umbrella tilted down over her face.  Who was she? And who was she talking to?

-She's carrying a woven bag.  Woven/basket-like bags are very in for this summer.

-She is wearing a sweater with longer sleeves.  No matter the heat, Japanese women tend to keep their arms, shoulders, and chests covered.  There is an almost paranoid fear of sun damage in this country (and a fear that I am starting to take on).

-She is carrying an umbrella on a perfectly sunny day.  Again, this is linked to the fear of sun damage.  It seems to work (either that, or they have miracle-workers for dermatologists), as even middle-aged Japanese women have perfectly smooth, unwrinkled skin.  

Had to take another photo that included the shoes.  

Of course, she is wearing fabulous shoes.  Every young Japanese woman worth her salt can click around Tokyo in the highest heels imaginable. They wear them up and down subway stairs and while pedaling their bicycles.  All day.

Her look is very current, but also extremely classic.  Many of us probably have red cotton sweaters and cutoff denim shorts in our closets, right now!  Scoot over to a Japanese mall and pick up a fantastic woven bag.  Cute and cheap sun umbrellas can be purchased at one of the train station shops.  Can't fit your American-sized feet into any of the adorable Japanese shoes?  This is what Piperlime is for! Once you have assembled your new outfit, make sure to sit in a prominent location and hide your face under your umbrella. Intrigued passers-by won't help but notice your fabulousness! (Sky-high heels optional)

Thank-you, Mystery Woman, for such fabulous fashion inspiration!


  1. She was so fabulous... and mysterious. Would have loved to have seen her face. Thanks for the walk down memory/fashion lane :)

  2. I am so inspired. I don't have any denim cutoffs...but I do have scissors.

    Don't we all secretly want to be mysterious?? Thanks, Tofu Fox!
